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The complaisant Art patron

Posted by Robert Mardosian on Monday, October 3, 2016,
In 1917 Marcel Duchamp, one of my favorite artists, produced a porcelain urinal and submitted for the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists as a work of art.

No! Mr.Duchamp, that mass produced Urinal is not art. Not to me anyway. As much as I admire Duchamp as an artist I disagree with his Urinal as a piece of art argument. A true work of art should move the viewer, evoke a reaction, a feeling, perhaps a new visual exploration of the world, a beautiful, realistic representation of t...
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STENBERG BROTHERS: Revolution in Soviet Design

Posted by Robert Mardosian on Tuesday, April 12, 2016,
I couldn't have said it better myself. Please read the following by Christopher Mount about the genius of
the Stenberg Brothers.

Written by Christopher Mount:

The 1920s and early 1930s were a revolutionary period for the graphic arts throughout Europe. A drastic

change took place in the way graphic designers worked that was a direct consequence of experimentation in both the fine and the applied arts. Not only did the formal vocabulary of graphic design change, but also the designer's per...

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A.M Cassandre - 1901-1968

Posted by Robert Mardosian on Saturday, June 15, 2013,
I give credit to Braque and Picasso for creating a new  visual language, a new language of art called "Cubism". However, I believe they ventured outside the parameters of Cubism  as they progressed and their technique started to border on abstract art. This is fine but one should not call these particular paintings Cubist. Once the basic essence of Cubism is lost; the 3 view points of an object presented on 2 dimensional plane; a painting should not be called cubist. This can only leave the v...
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